
Nordic Scoot Championship 2022 (NO, SE, FI, DK)

The Nordic Scooter Championships took place in November and December 2022, with the best riders in Scandinavia showing off their skills.

There were opportunities to qualify in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway, where the finals were also held.

Maty Pekarek almost missed the event because of a missed connecting flight. Although he was not able to practice, he managed to qualify for the finals.

He then competed against other great riders in both categories Park and Street and made it to the top five:
Category Park 3rd place for Maty Pekarek.
Category Street 4th place for Maty Pekarek.

If you missed the event, there is of course a video on Youtube where you can watch both the Park and Street finals.

We are really proud of you Maty, especially because you were able to continue after your injury during the run, well done!
