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BBC Sarstedt – Biggest Banger Contest 2023

BBC Sarstedt – Biggest Banger Contest 2023

(DE) The „Sketchy Place“ skatepark in Sarstedt is a top freestyle spot. At the event, European champion Oscar Larsen showed how reliable Chilli Scooters are. With a Chilli scooter, he nailed the double frontflip and won!

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World Skate Championships MUS – our Team

World Skate Championships MUS – our Team

(ES) Not only Maty, but also our rider Harvey Perkins impressed at the World Championship. At 18, he secured 8th place. Now, we’re focusing on preparing for the CHILLI X ISF #EURO2023 Championship final in Germany.

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  • Quality, due to our long experience we are able to meet a high quality standard
  • 100% Chilli, our products honor their brand name
  • Team spirit, we are authentic and use all our different skills
  • Variety, we trust ourselves to experiment and therefore offer a great variety of products
  • Commitment to the sport, promoting talented riders of all skill levels

Founded 2010

Global brand

High quality

Passion for sport

Team Rider