von Pascal | Mai 27, 2023 | 2023-EN, All News en, NL en
News Battle of Lowlands 2023 (NL) Benescoot has once again organised the Battle of Lowlands, the Belgian and Dutch championship in stunt scooter riding. The event took place on 27.05.-28.05. in Rotterdam and is considered the event in the Netherlands to prove yourself...
von Pascal | Mai 27, 2023 | 2023, Alle News, NL
News Battle of Lowlands 2023 (NL) Benescoot hat erneut das Battle of Lowlands organsiert, die belgische und holländische Meisterschaft im Stunt Scooter Fahren. Der Event hat am 27.05.-28.05. in Rotterdam stattgefunden und gilt als der Event in den Niederlanden um sich...
von Pascal | Mai 26, 2023 | 2023-EN, All News en, FR en
News FISE Montpellier 2023 (FR) On 26.05.2023, one of the most famous freestyle sport contests FISE took place in Montpellier. Despite a rainy weekend, all competitions in the categories BMX, inline skates, skateboarding and stunt scooter riding took place during the...
von Pascal | Mai 26, 2023 | 2023, Alle News, FR
News FISE Montpellier 2023 (FR) Am 26.05.2023 war es wieder so weit und eine der bekanntesten Freestyle Sport Contests FISE in Montpellier fand statt. Trotz einem regnerischem Wochenende fanden während der kurzen trockenen Phasen alle Wettkämpfe in den Kategorien BMX,...
von Pascal | Mai 12, 2023 | 2023-EN, All News en, CH en, International en
News ISF X Chilli – European Championship – Qualification Switzerland 2023 On 15 April 2023, the time had finally come, Chilli hosted the first official qualification of the European Championships in Switzerland! The qualification took place at the Skillspark in...